Security and Customer Experience in the Account Opening

Find the delicate balance between user experience and security with the right biometric solution. Join Sabrina Gross, Veridas’ Regional Director of Strategic Partners at the CBA Webinar where she joins OneSpan’s digital innovation experts in discussing Balancing Security and Customer Experience in the Account Opening and Onboarding Process.

Let’s address some of the key issues:

  1. Accelerating your account opening and onboarding processes.
  2. Enhancing your customer experience and maximizing revenue.
  3. Reducing account opening fraud and increasing compliance.

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/Informe Veridas 2024

Gánale la batalla al Fraude de Identidad

Facial Parking Access

Simplify entry, save time, and manage your stadium parking more efficiently.

Quick Facial Parking Access

Enter the parking area in under 1 second with facial recognition technology.

Stress-Free Experience

Simplify the ticket purchase process and enable attendees to enjoy a hands-free experience throughout their stadium stay.

Enhanced Security

Elevate your parking security for peace of mind.

Ticketing Facial

Protege tu estadio con nuestra plataforma completa de verificación de identidad, que incluye verificación biométrica y de documentos, fuentes de datos confiables y detección de fraudes.

Verificación de identidad instantánea

Verifica la identidad de tus asistentes de forma remota en menos de 1 minuto.

Comodidad excepcional

Simplifica el proceso de compra de entradas y permite a los asistentes disfrutar de una experiencia sin contacto durante su estancia en el estadio.

Máxima seguridad

Mejora la seguridad del proceso de compra, eliminando la posibilidad de fraude, reventa y acceso no autorizado.

Título del popup

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