Picture of Juan Fernando C. Bulgarelli

Juan Fernando C. Bulgarelli

PR & Communications Manager
Juan Fernando Campos Bulgarelli is a professional specialised in public relations and strategic communication, with a solid background in the technology sector, particularly in the field of digital identity and biometric verification. He currently plays a key role at Veridas, where he leads the communication strategy and positioning of the company as a global benchmark in innovative identification and authentication solutions. With a deep understanding of biometric technologies, Juan Fernando is an expert in creating narratives that highlight the importance of secure digital identity in the modern era. His work includes managing media relations, organising international events and publicising Veridas’ technological advances in key markets. Recognised for his ability to translate complex technical concepts into clear and engaging messages, Juan Fernando drives public and business understanding of biometrics as an essential tool to ensure security and accessibility in digital processes.
Facial Parking Access

Simplify entry, save time, and manage your stadium parking more efficiently.

Quick Facial Parking Access

Enter the parking area in under 1 second with facial recognition technology.

Stress-Free Experience

Simplify the ticket purchase process and enable attendees to enjoy a hands-free experience throughout their stadium stay.

Enhanced Security

Elevate your parking security for peace of mind.

Bilheteria Facial

Proteja seu estádio com nossa abrangente plataforma de verificação de identidade, incluindo verificação biométrica e de documentos, fontes de dados confiáveis e detecção de fraudes.

Verificação instantânea de identidade

Verifique a identidade de seus participantes remotamente em menos de 1 minuto.

Conforto excepcional

Ele simplifica o processo de emissão de ingressos e permite que os participantes desfrutem de uma experiência sem contato durante sua estadia no estádio.

Segurança máxima

Aumenta a segurança do processo de compra, eliminando a possibilidade de fraude, revenda e acesso não autorizado.

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