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/DEKRA verifies that Veridas’ non-face-to-face identification tool complies with CCN security requirements

Picture of Marta Morrás

Marta Morrás

Global Marketing Director

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DEKRA Testing & Certification SAU has verified that the Veridas tool that allows non-presential video identification of qualified electronic certificate applicants complies with the security requirements. These requirements are demanded by the ICT Security Guide of the National Cryptologic Center high category as required by Order ETD/465/2021. DEKRA has performed this verification as an eIDAS (EU) 910/2014 conformity assessment body according to ISO/IEC 17065 and ETSI EN 319 403, which authorizes it to provide compliance assessment and certification services, issuing eIDAS conformity certificates and conformity assessment reports.

“We at DEKRA are pleased to have evaluated Veridas’ non-face-to-face video-identification tool, which has proven to employ secure technology. During the evaluation, we verified that the tool is prepared to mitigate potential security threats. Complying with the requirements established by the National Cryptologic Center, which allows users to perform this procedure easily and without their privacy being compromised,” says José Emilio Rico, Cybersecurity Director at DEKRA Testing and Certification SAU.

Fe de vida BBVA-Mexico

“Having passed successfully our DEKRA technology evaluation, we can confirm, once again, that VERIDAS solutions comply with the required legal and technical regulations. Therefore, the Public Administration and private entities can use them for multiple use cases with all the guarantees. Furthermore, this evaluation reinforces and rewards our commitment with the highest standards of accuracy, quality and security, all of them characteristics of VERIDAS technology, as also endorsed by other national and international evaluations and certifications”, according to Leire Arbona, Legal & Compliance Manager at Veridas Digital Authentication Solutions, SL.

First authorized company

With the evaluation of this tool, Veridas became the first company authorized to perform remote identity verifications for the Spanish Public Administration. However, private entities can also use the tool.

DEKRA assessed that the tool meets all the minimum security requirements set out in Annex F.11 of the ICT Security Guide CCN-STIC-140 of the National Cryptologic Center of High category. All tools used by Qualified Trust Service Providers (QTSPs) when they wish to use non-face-to-face identification methods for qualified electronic certificate applicants must comply with this requirement.

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