/Repsol: a streamlined and unassisted visitor management process

Picture of Marta Morrás

Marta Morrás

Global Marketing Director

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The challenge: streamlining the visitor reception process

The main challenge faced by Repsol  when it comes to managing its visits is the time spent by its reception staff in registering visitors who come to its headquarters. Carrying out this process manually is a massive investment in time and resources for the company, as well as having a negative impact on the user experience.

Until now, the visit organizer sent an email invitation to the attendee. On the day of the meeting, they were registered and identified at the reception by the staff. This registration took around 8 minutes, with ID documents being requested and scanned, the organizer being notified, and a physical badge is given to each visitor. In this way, the access process became a bottleneck that generated unwanted waiting and crowding and took up too much of the reception staff’s working time.

For this reason, Repsol is looking for an alternative to automate and streamline the process of receiving visitors and improve users’ experience when they visit its headquarters.

The solution: a digitized and unassisted reception process

Veridas has developed an identity verification and access management solution that exponentially improves a company’s visitor reception, transforming it into an unassisted, agile, and centralized process.

This solution allows all visitors to register remotely, and when they arrive at Repsol, they can check in and access quickly and comfortably. This new process avoids having to identify themselves at reception and long waits.

Caso de Repsol para recepción de visitas con reconocimiento facial.
Caso de Repsol para el registro de visitantes con reconocimiento facial

Remote pre-registration

To use the system, the host must send a link to the visitor so they can register and request a visit. The process consists of the following steps:

  • Digital Onboarding: The visitor captures the front and back of their ID card and takes a selfie. In this way, Veridas verifies that the document is valid and belongs to the person completing the process.
  • Requesting a visit: After registration, the visitor can now request a visit on the Veridas web portal. Once requested, the host decides whether to accept or decline the visit.
  • Biometric QR reception: If the host accepts the visit, the user receives a biometric QR (patented) with which they will check-in and access the Repsol facilities.


This process takes less than 1 minute and can be done from anywhere using a mobile device and in advance of the visit.

Check-in and facial recognition access

On the day of the visit, the user goes to the Campus Repsol reception and confirms their arrival by presenting the biometric QR at the check-in terminals. On completing this action, the host receives a notification that the visitor has arrived and is waiting.

At the time of the visit, visitors enter through facial recognition terminals integrated into the access turnstiles, which record the time of entry and exit, allowing them to keep track of all access and visits to Repsol’s facilities in real-time.

Caso de Repsol para el ingreso de visitas con reconocimiento facial

More than 300 visitors a day enjoy this system

Relying on the Veridas solution has revolutionized Repsol’s visitor reception process, turning it into a digitalized and unassisted process that is more agile and convenient for the company and improving the access experience for more than 300 visitors every day. In addition, Repsol achieves the following:

  • ROI < 1 year with unassisted reception
  • Convenience: provides ease of visitor management for all who need to enter the site.
  • Security: increases the center’s security by ensuring that only people with the right to access the premises can enter.
  • Speed: the system provides a speed of entry of less than 1 second.
  • Management and monitoring of all visits in real-time.

The success story in figures

registered visitors
3 k
total accesses
+ 0 K
daily accesses

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