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/The access solution for gambling halls

un jugador accede por reconocimiento facial al salon de juego

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More and more gambling hall operators are calling us asking about our access control solution approved by the Spanish Autonomous Communities. The number of players in the gambling halls is increasing, and with it, the pressure of inspections.

Save on costs

We know that economic times are tough, so we offer you an access control system that keeps you away from possible penalties for non-compliance with regulations and allows you to be more efficient with your gambling hall staff costs.

Wouldn’t you like to save staff in your gambling hall? And if you only have one employee per shift, wouldn’t you like the manager to be able to do player service work generating new revenue instead of spending all his time doing registration work? If your answers are yes, you want to know what we want to offer you.

Nueva llamada a la acción

How does our solution work?

At Veridas, we have applied our world-leading facial recognition and ID and passport recognition technologies to a comprehensive access program designed for the gambling world. We have developed this solution with one of the largest national gambling operators, the Veramatic Group. And that’s why it’s a product ideally suited to your needs.

Players' registration

Registering a new player takes less than a minute. It starts with the automatic capture of the ID on a smartphone that we provide to the gambling hall, followed by a selfie on the same device. We consider the lighting conditions so that the captures are of the highest quality.
Once we have the document and selfie, we put our technologies to work by taking the OCR of the document and validating it; we also compare the selfie with the photo of the document to check if the person registering is the holder or if it is their underage sibling.
And now, there is one more step: check that this player appears in the banned register; our program makes this query immediately. In less than a minute, you can be sure that you have registered a person you can let into your premises.

Access to the gambling hall

Registered players gain access by approaching a face and document reader. Our readers for the game can be placed on a turnstile or access door, on the wall, on a table or with a standing totem pole. When a player approaches, the reader recognizes his face and reads his ID card; in less than 2 seconds, it checks if the person in front of him can pass (he is registered, is not on the banned list, and is the holder of the ID card).
If the player has entered the venue, left to make a phone call, and forgotten their ID inside, there is no need to worry; we offer the option for second access within the same day to be done with their face. And all this registration and access activity is stored for potential audit.
We encourage you to try Veridas for gambling halls, and of course, you can implement this access control in a casino, bingo hall, or any other gambling-related establishment.

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Facial Parking Access

Simplify entry, save time, and manage your stadium parking more efficiently.

Quick Facial Parking Access

Enter the parking area in under 1 second with facial recognition technology.

Stress-Free Experience

Simplify the ticket purchase process and enable attendees to enjoy a hands-free experience throughout their stadium stay.

Enhanced Security

Elevate your parking security for peace of mind.

Facial Ticketing

Protect your Stadium with our end-to-end identity verification platform, featuring biometric and document verification, trusted data sources, and fraud detection.

Instant Identity Verification

Verify your attendees’ identity remotely in less than 1 minute.

Pop-up Convenience

Simplify the ticket purchase process and enable attendees to enjoy a hands-free experience throughout their stadium stay.

Maximum Security

Enhance the security of the purchase process, eliminating the possibility of fraud, resale, and unauthorized access.

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