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/The second edition of the Veridas Cybersecurity CTF Challenge, a new success in terms of participation

Picture of Marta Morrás

Marta Morrás

Global Marketing Director

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The second edition of the Navarra Digital Security Forum was held at the Navarra Marketing Club on November 18. On this occasion, the 2nd Cybersecurity CTF Challenge – Veridas was celebrated, a competition in which participants faced different technical challenges in the field of cybersecurity. The event was organized by ATANA and sponsored by Laboral Kutxa, with the institutional support of the Navarra Government and the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE), and the collaboration of Veridas and the Marketing Club of Navarra.

In addition to the CTF Challenge, there were presentations by different speakers, who in 15-minute pills, explained their knowledge, key points, and success stories about the approach and correct implementation of digital security systems in companies. ATANA cluster highlighted that this industry is generating a lot of business and employment opportunities. “Last year there were 63,000 job demands in cybersecurity in our country. It is already a strategic field in many sectors and in Public Administrations”.

Speakers included Juan Delfín Peláez, a cybersecurity expert at the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), Julio César Miguel Pérez, General Director of Grupo CFI, Enrique Amor, B2B Sales Manager at Euskaltel, Raúl Orduna, Director of Digital Security at Vicomtech, Teo Murguía, CEO of DISCOM, Juan Antonio Rodríguez, Head of the Anti-Cybercrime Department of the Guardia Civil (UCO), Pello Bayona, Business Director of Navarra at Laboral Kutxa and Juan Ramón Aramendia, Head of Cyber Security Product Engineering at Auriga.

On behalf of Veridas, Mikel Lezáun, Business Development Manager, had the opportunity to connect with attendees in a presentation in which he was accompanied by Pello Bayona, while Ivan Gulina, head of cybersecurity at Veridas, stressed the importance of protecting software in a world where everything is digitized: “We must follow the four steps: develop a secure code, rely on tools, test and keep updated. As digitization increases, the danger increases”.

The common conclusion reached by all exhibitors has to do with the importance of being protected as much as possible because although no one is exempt from fraud, technology today gives you the ability to avoid it.

Daniel Díez Tainta, winner of the CFT Cybersecurity Challenge

This year, the challenge of the CTF Cybersecurity Challenge consisted of solving a series of technical challenges related to the world of cybersecurity and computer science. Topics included web vulnerabilities, cryptography, reverse engineering, forensics, programming and steganography.  Each participant had three hours to tackle the challenges provided, in the order they wished and with a “CTF-Capture The Flag” dynamic where, when each participant solved a challenge, a “flag” that awarded points was displayed. These points depended on the difficulty of the challenge,  The winner, for second consecutive year, was Daniel Díez Tainta, Security Engineer at Auctane, who received the winner’s trophy for the second CTF cybersecurity challenge and a cash prize of 1,000 euros. The second place in the ranking was won by Iñaki de Miguel, from the company Eosol, who was awarded 600 euros. Finally, Mikel Izal, professor of Telematics Engineering at the Public University of Navarra, won third place in the competition, with a prize of 300 euros. All cash prizes were provided by the event sponsor Laboral Kutxa.  Ivan Gulina, representative of Veridas, presented the awards and stressed the importance of working for solutions that benefit society: “Through this event, we show our commitment to young talent and to the promotion of new technologies that are aligned with the vision of eliminating fraud, improving user experience and reducing costs for companies”.

The growing visibility of solutions in the cybersecurity world

All the speakers agreed on the need to promote an industry that provides security and reduces costs. In his speech, the Councilor for University, Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Government of Navarra, Juan Cruz Cigudosa, emphasized that “Cybersecurity is not a project, but a process. And we want to continue to keep Navarra at the forefront of innovation in cybersecurity”. 

Also, Juan Antonio Rodriguez, head of the department against cybercrime of the Guardia Civil, highlighted the advantage of time: “companies must report in order to get to the cybercriminals. And they must do so quickly, as time is of key significance”.

Events like these are of great importance for companies that fight fraud every day through technological and innovative solutions. In this way, great knowledge is generated in the public opinion of the future of cybersecurity, in a reality where the physical and digital space is almost shared.

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