/Club Tenis Pamplona: more than 17,000 members access their facilities by facial recognition

Picture of Marta Morrás

Marta Morrás

Global Marketing Director

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The challenge: improving the members access experience

Club Tenis Pamplona members can access the club’s facilities in different ways; the membership card, the fingerprint, or the QR code on their mobile app. However, these access systems caused queues to form and were uncomfortable for users, who often forgot or lost their credentials or were unable to use them correctly. 

For this reason, the Pamplona Tennis Club saw the opportunity to improve the access experience for its members and to advance in its digital transformation by opting for a new, additional access system, more convenient and more secure.

The solution: a facial recognition access and exit system. salida por reconocimiento facial

Veridas, using its facial biometrics technology, has designed a facial recognition access and exit system to optimize the management of all the accesses that take place in a business, save costs and increase the security of the facilities.

After discovering this innovative system, Club Tenis Pamplona installed 5 facial recognition terminals at its main entrance. Following the positive response from members and reception staff, the Club quickly decided to extend the installation to 12 terminals at its other entrance and the entrance to the gymnasium.

For members to start accessing facial recognition, they must consent the club to use their photos stored in its database to register them in the system.

Consent can be given in two different ways: from a mobile device, via an email sent by Club Tenis Pamplona, or at the club’s own offices, with the help of the reception staff if necessary.

Members can then enter and exit through the facial recognition terminals without needing to carry access credentials, eliminating queues and waiting at the access points. In addition, the club ensures that only members of the club have access, increasing the security of its facilities.

Quick and easy integration and installation within 6 week

In just six weeks, the system was easily integrated with the club’s management software, facilitating the centralization of all access information and statistics on a single platform. Furthermore, the integration with NR, the access control system present throughout the club, has been effortless and has favored the installation of the terminals in the different doors and turnstiles of the club.

Acceso por reconocimiento facial a Club Tenis Pamplona

The result: digital transformation and the best access experience for partners

With the incorporation of this new biometric access system, Club Tenis Pamplona, in just one year, has achieved:

  • Increasing the security of your spaces: ensuring that only members have access.
  • Offer an exceptional access experience: satisfaction among older members.
  • Optimize your Business Intelligence: provide statistics on access profiles (gender, age, timetable).
  • Save on concierge and management costs

Also, thanks to the excellent communication work of the Club and its goalkeeping staff, the system has been very well received ,and, in less than 2 months, 45% of the members were already using it voluntarily, making it the preferred access system.

''We have the reliability that the person who enters is a member and it also brings a lot of convenience. This system is much better and also helps to meet our objective of digital transformation and convenience. People are very happy''

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Facial Parking Access

Simplify entry, save time, and manage your stadium parking more efficiently.

Quick Facial Parking Access

Enter the parking area in under 1 second with facial recognition technology.

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Pop-up Convenience

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Maximum Security

Enhance the security of the purchase process, eliminating the possibility of fraud, resale, and unauthorized access.

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