T&C Demo App


These terms and conditions regulate the relationship between you (hereinafter, the “User”) and Veridas Digital Authentication Solutions, S.L. (hereinafter, “VERIDAS”), and intend to fix que conditions of use of the demonstration service (hereinafter, the “Service” or the “Demo”) provided through the application (hereinafter, the “Application” or the “App”).

The acceptance of these terms and conditions shall be deemed to have occurred when the User clicks the “Accept the terms and conditions” option in the Application at time of start, being the terms and conditions available for reading every time the User enters the App.

For any incident, doubt or request regarding the Service, the User can contact VERIDAS in the following email address: support@veridas.com.



2.1.- VERIDAS would like to thank the Users for they participation on the demonstration Service. The purpose of the Demo is to test the solution designed by VERIDAS for the User identification and authentication, securely, through different systems and information of or in the possession of the User.

2.2.- As previously mentioned, the Service is a Demo, and therefore it may be subject to interruptions, or some options or functionalities may be changed (even be removed).

2.3.- In order for the Application to operate, the User shall complete the different stages of the validation process, granting the Application access to certain information (ex. OS version, geolocation, device model,…) and functionalities (ex. camera, microphone,…) of the User’s device. The Application will request necessary permissions and authorizations, being the User entitled to reject those permissions and authorizations, which could however cause the halt of the Application. 



3.1.- We would like to inform you about the following guidelines to follow when using the Demo, so that the system operates correctly. In order to endow the system with greater accuracy and security, the User identification and authentication process is done through different stages and evidences. So as to complete the authentication and offer a result, it is imperative that the User completes the process. However, we hereby inform you that certain data processings are carried out while the User is conducting the process, without waiting until it is finalized. Some of these operations are carried out in the device, while others will take place in external servers.

3.2.- In order to use the Demo, it is essential to install the Application in a device complying with a set of minimum requirements that will be notified if needed. Some features might vary depending on the device and its SO version.

3.3.- Additionally to the information collected directly from the User through the different stages of the process, the Application may obtain further information from the device itself, such as the geolocation or the device model, with the purpose of offering higher guarantees on the User authentication. Besides the operations that the App may conduct in the device where it’s being executed, in some cases the Application transfers the collected information to VERIDAS’ servers in order to process the data. This data processing shall be conducted by VERIDAS in accordance with the privacy policy contained in these Terms and Conditions.



4.1.- In order to access the Service and, if applicable, the Application, the Users shall be identified with their user name and credentials. Unless otherwise specified, the access credentials are personal and non-transferable, and therefore each User shall guard them with utmost diligence. As the App is a controlled Demo, the user name and the credentials will be initially provided by VERIDAS, notwithstanding an eventual future open release of the Demo and its possible access without credentials.

4.2.- In the event of an incident involving the User’s account or credentials and, specially, if the User suspects that third parties might have had access to them, the User shall promptly notify VERIDAS, so that the account can be immediately cancelled. In that eventual situation, until such notification VERIDAS declines any responsibility over the acts and/or operations that are done using the App and that arise from an unduly custody of the credentials.



In accordance with the current regulation on personal data protection, VERIDAS hereby informs you:


Controller of your personal data: Veridas Digital Authentication Solutions, S.L. (“VERIDAS”), with registered business address at Polígono Industrial Talluntxe II, M-10, 31192 Tajonar (Navarra – Spain), is the controller of the personal data you provide through the App. Email address: gdpr@veridas.com.

Data Protection Officer: VERIDAS has designated a Data Protection Officer (DPO), as the person in charge of the protection of your fundamental right to personal data protection in VERIDAS and of the supervision of the company’s regulation compliance. You can contact our DPO at dpo@veridas.com.


Purpose of the processing: The App will capture, depending on the settings you configure in the next screen, images of your ID (national ID, Passport or any equivalent document), one or multiple photos selfie and video selfie. The App may as well capture certain contextual data from your device (device model, device name, OS version, OS name, device memory, device RAM, device unique identifier, language, telecommunication provider, type of the network connection, IP, MAC, state and strength of the WiFi signal, WiFi SSID, WiFi BSSID, WiFi RSSI, NFC compatibility, geolocation, user, linked Google account and apps installed in the device).

VERIDAS will process these data with the following purposes (in any case, depending on how you configure the settings of the App):

  • Validation of the ID and extraction of the information therein, merely for demonstration purposes (Document SDK).
  • Comparison of the facial images captured during the process using facial biometric techniques for identity coincidence measure, merely for demonstration purposes (Selfie SDK).
  • Comparison of the User’s gestures (no video recording) for the proof of live, merely for demonstration purposes (Selfie Alive SDK).
  • Video selfie (consisting of image and audio) used for the proof of live of the User, merely for demonstration purposes (Video SDK).
  • Research and functional verification of the document validation and biometric (facial and voice) systems developed by VERIDAS in the context of digital authentication technologies, for which the data may be integrated in a database under the responsibility of VERIDAS. 

In the achieving of these purposes, VERIDAS guaranties that the processing of your personal data is exclusively done in the research and development activities pursued by the company, and that your personal data will never be subject to commercialization nor will be accessible to clients and end users of our products.


Legitimation: The legal basis that allows VERIDAS to process your personal data is the explicit consent you give by agreeing to these Terms and Conditions before you start using the Service.


Storage period: The data collected with the App will be kept by VERIDAS throughout a period of 5 years. Once this period is finalized, your data will be destroyed.


Recipients: VERIDAS will not transfer your personal data to third parties, unless it is bound to do so by law or you have previously agreed to do so with VERIDAS.

In order to be able to provide you with an adequate service and manage the relationship that VERIDAS maintains with you, you can find below a list of categories of companies that process your data on behalf of VERIDAS as part of the provision of services we have contracted.

VERIDAS informs you that, for the same purpose as indicated in the previous paragraph, certain companies that provide services to VERIDAS could access your personal data (international data transfer). These transfers are made to countries with a level of protection comparable to that of the European Union (European Commission adaptation decisions, standard contractual clauses as well as certification mechanisms). For further information, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@veridas.com.

Information about the recipients of personal data

  • IT services:
    • Cloud processing services.
    • Electronic custody services.
    • Electronic certification services.
    • Backup services.
    • Other services related to communications technology and computing.

Place of supply of related services: Spain and, in some cases, the European Union.


Rights: You can exercise your rights to access, rectification, erasure, object, restriction of processing and data portability, in accordance with current personal data regulations. You should address us at Polígono Industrial Talluntxe II, M-10, 31192 Tajonar (Navarra – Spain) or write an email to gdpr@veridas.com, accompanying your request with a copy of your national ID or equivalent document proving your identity. This right is free of costs.

You can withdraw your consent at any time, although that will not produce effects on the lawfulness of the previous processings, by sending an email to gdpr@veridas.com.

If you consider that VERIDAS has not processed your personal data in accordance with the regulations, you can contact VERIDAS’ Data Protection Officer at dpo@veridas.com. You can also lodge a claim with the competent Supervisory authority (Spanish Supervisory authority: www.agpd.es). 



Hereby, VERIDAS grants the User a non-exclusive, revocable, personal and non-transferable and non-assignable license to use the Application, in order to use it to access the authentication Service with demonstrative or testing purposes, being able to install the Application on the User’s device.

All Intellectual Property Rights over and in respect of the software included in the App are owned by VERIDAS. The User does not acquire any rights of ownerships in the software of the App, and the User must use the Intellectual Property Rights exclusively as required for reasonable and customary use within the purposes of the Service.

Any modification made on the software or on the App in order to adapt it for the provision of the Service to the User, shall be included in the Intellectual Property Rights of VERIDAS.



The use of the demonstration Service and the use of the Application are conditioned on the compliance with the present Terms of use. VERIDAS reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Service and the present agreement if any of the following situations occurs:

  • The Application or the Service are used for other purposes than its private testing and, specially, for any production system of identification/authentication, commercial or of third-parties.
  • The incorporation of third-party data by the User without their consent. In this sense, it is the sole responsibility of the User to guarantee that the data they are providing through the App are its own or, if applicable, that the data subject knows and consents, in accordance with the privacy policy herein contained, their personal data processing.
  • Identity fraud attempts by other user or any person outside the Service.
  • Modification of the Application.
  • Decompilation attempts, of all or part of the Application, or any kind of reverse engineering efforts.

Violation of the present Terms of use by the User may lead to the suspension or revocation of the User’s account, without this situation generating any right to compensation, and without prejudice of VERIDAS right to demand a compensation for damage arising from such breach.



The Service and the Application have mere demonstrative purposes, and therefore VERIDAS does not offer any warranty regarding the liability, performance or maintenance of the App, or of the information provided by the Users. The Application is provided “AS IS”, and VERIDAS does not warrant that it will be free from error of any kind and that it might serve a purpose beyond the specifications and features contained herein. VERIDAS’ servers and the Application that serves as the basis of the Service may experiment operation errors or be temporarily suspended, affecting therefore to the authentication service. Ultimately, VERIDAS does not warrant the liability and maintenance of the Service offered through the Application or the correct operation of the computer program.

For the Application operation it is essential that the device in which it is installed is connected via the Internet to VERIDAS’ servers, which could lead to extra costs to the User. In no event will VERIDAS assume any kind of cost or responsibility for the operation or charges of the Internet connection and geolocation services that may arise from the App performance in the User’s device where it is executed, which shall be assumed by the User.



VERIDAS reserves the right to withdraw the Application or suspend or finalize the demonstration Service unilaterally, without notice being required or generating a right to compensation for the User.

The maintenance of the license to use the Application is in any case subject to the compliance with these terms and conditions, being VERIDAS entitled to revoke the license if the User breaks them, without requiring a prior notification from VERIDAS to the User and without this situation implying any right to compensation for the User.

If VERIDAS ceases providing the service offered through the Application or it is no longer available, the licensing rights for using the Application will be automatically revoked, without requiring a prior notification from VERIDAS to the User and without this situation implying any right to compensation for the User.

If VERIDAS releases new versions of the Application, VERIDAS shall be entitled to make access to the App conditional to the download and installation of the latest version of the Application.



VERIDAS reserves the right to modify at any time these Terms and Conditions, which shall be accepted by the User to be effective. In any case, VERIDAS could condition the access to the Service or the use of the Application to the acceptance of the new terms and conditions.



These Terms and Conditions have been written in English. Notwithstanding the prevalence of this language in the present relationship, in case of dispute or doubt, the parties shall attend the Spanish version of these Terms and Conditions.



12.1.- These Terms and Conditions will be construed by and governed in accordance with the laws of Spain.

12.2.- All disputes over these Terms and Conditions shall be definitely resolved by means of arbitration administered by the Spanish Court of Arbitration in accordance with its Regulations and Statutes, entrusted with the administration of the arbitration and the nomination of the arbitrator or arbitrators.

Try a demo
Facial Parking Access

Simplify entry, save time, and manage your stadium parking more efficiently.

Quick Facial Parking Access

Enter the parking area in under 1 second with facial recognition technology.

Stress-Free Experience

Simplify the ticket purchase process and enable attendees to enjoy a hands-free experience throughout their stadium stay.

Enhanced Security

Elevate your parking security for peace of mind.

Facial Ticketing

Protect your Stadium with our end-to-end identity verification platform, featuring biometric and document verification, trusted data sources, and fraud detection.

Instant Identity Verification

Verify your attendees’ identity remotely in less than 1 minute.

Pop-up Convenience

Simplify the ticket purchase process and enable attendees to enjoy a hands-free experience throughout their stadium stay.

Maximum Security

Enhance the security of the purchase process, eliminating the possibility of fraud, resale, and unauthorized access.

Popup title

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