/Grupo Catalana Occidente, digital onboarding of mediators

Picture of Sandra Marqués

Sandra Marqués

Marketing Specialist

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Grupo Catalana Occidente, one of the leaders in the Spanish insurance sector and credit insurance globally, needed a solution that would allow them to manage the registration of mediators in an agile and secure way. 

In 2018, it trusted Veridas and its remote identity verification solution, becoming one of our first customers.  Since then, it has performed more than 27.000 verifications and continues to add procedures to the digital management; the last of them, the verification of clients to operate in its online portal, already in the implementation process.

The challenge: Digital verification of mediators with maximum security

The mediator is a critical figure in insurance companies. The aforementioned is an advisor who, after analyzing the risks to which the potential customer is exposed and the economic damages that could arise as a result of a claim, advises the customer on the insurance and coverage modalities that best suit him to guarantee the correct coverage of his insured assets, or of his person.

For an entity of the size of Grupo Catalana Occidente, with a presence in 50 countries and around 4 million clients, it was essential to guarantee security in the process of registering its mediators.

How to guarantee its clients that they have trusted mediators and, consequently, ensure the security of the services offered?

The solution: Veridas digital onboarding

There are many providers of biometric solutions on the market, but none met the requirements of an entity as large as Grupo Catalana Occidente, as does Veridas digital onboarding:

  • Complies with the strictest regulations in each country (RGPD, CCPA, SEPBLAC, CNBV). Essential for the insurer, given its presence in around 50 countries.
  • It has document coverage in more than 190 countries and it is able to validate the authenticity of more than 400 identity documents. This is important due to the number of clients to whom the company offers its services: 4 million, and the countries covered.
  • It has anti-spoofing technology that ensures a secure and robust identity verification process against possible fraud attacks.

Through this solution, Grupo Catalana Occidente manages the registration of its mediators remotely, in less than 1 minute and with maximum security. A fully automatic process consisting of 3 simple steps:

  1. Global document verification. The potential mediator must scan both sides of his identity document. Once the images of the document (front and back) are extracted, they are processed in the cloud where, through different operations such as OCR extraction or verification of the authenticity of the material, it is determined whether it is a valid or a fraudulent document.
  2. Facial biometrics. During the process, the user must take a selfie. Our facial biometrics engine compares the photo on the ID document with the selfie and determines if it is the same person.
  3. Liveness detection. Finally, to confirm that this is not a fraud attempt, our life-detection technology verifies that the user performing the process is a real person.

The results: Safety and comfort hand in hand

Thanks to Grupo Catalana Occidente’s trust placed in Veridas technology, the insurer is able to offer its mediators the possibility of registering digitally, robustly and securely verifying their identity, offering the service to its customers with the utmost confidence thanks to the aforementioned.

In addition, due to the automation of these processes, the insurer has reduced costs in the verification and recruitment of mediators.

A competitive factor that helps them position themselves as leaders in the Spanish insurance sector and in credit insurance worldwide.

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