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Contact Center Authentication

3 seconds customer authentication
No questions. No friction

With our voice biometrics technology, you can provide your customers with a secure and streamlined authentication experience, while reducing fraud and improving operational efficiency in your contact center.
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call center

/The preferred provider

Cost Savings and Operational Efficiency

Save costs and streamline operations in your contact center with voice biometrics. Eliminate manual customer identity verification, minimize call transfers, and reduce call times.

Improved Customer

Say goodbye to complex passwords and security questions. By reducing authentication time and effort, customers can effortlessly authenticate themselves using their voice.

Faster and More Secure Authentication

Authenticate customers within seconds, eliminating the need for additional verification steps. Enjoy a seamless customer experience while minimizing the risk of fraud.

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/Instant Deployment Across Platforms

Deploy the solution in any environment or communication platform in hours, thanks to our easy-to-use cloud service.

/Knowledge-based Authentication vs. Voice Biometrics


Long (and costly) processes 
Knowledge-based verifications take on average 60 seconds per phone call. 

Traditional methods do not allow for unique identification across all channels.

Uncertain identity 
Password or question methods only verify the information, not the identity of the person.

Compromised security 
It is easy to impersonate a person’s identity with question-based methods since it is information that may be known to others. 


Transparent processes 
Authentication happens naturally while the person converses or sends a 3-second audio. 

It is possible to be verified by voice through any channel (phone, chat, app).

Real identity 
Verification of the person thanks to their biometrics, a unique and differential element of each person such as their voice or face.

Maximum security 
With an accuracy of more than 99.9% and an anti-fraud system to detect pre-recorded or synthetic voices.

/Reduce Average Handling Time (AHT)

Voice biometrics allows you to verify your users in a natural way. Once they are registered in the system, they do not have to answer any questions but simply describe the reason for their call. Automatically and passively, with only 3 seconds of audio they are recognized by the system.

With biometrics you can save an average of 60 seconds per call, improving your customers’ experience and reducing operating costs. 

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/Success Stories
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Facial Parking Access

Simplify entry, save time, and manage your stadium parking more efficiently.

Quick Facial Parking Access

Enter the parking area in under 1 second with facial recognition technology.

Stress-Free Experience

Simplify the ticket purchase process and enable attendees to enjoy a hands-free experience throughout their stadium stay.

Enhanced Security

Elevate your parking security for peace of mind.

Facial Ticketing

Protect your Stadium with our end-to-end identity verification platform, featuring biometric and document verification, trusted data sources, and fraud detection.

Instant Identity Verification

Verify your attendees’ identity remotely in less than 1 minute.

Pop-up Convenience

Simplify the ticket purchase process and enable attendees to enjoy a hands-free experience throughout their stadium stay.

Maximum Security

Enhance the security of the purchase process, eliminating the possibility of fraud, resale, and unauthorized access.

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